Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Why a PDA can be quite helpful!

I am preparing for a short college trip to a Bible college in Pennsylvania. While making the plans for this trip, I looked up the dates of their college days on my Lifedrive to see what else is going on. On the particular two days that we would be gone, my wife and son both had doctor's appointments and some of the girls going had a volleyball game that night. So I asked my wife to call and reschedule the doctor's appointments and I tried to get the game rescheduled, but wasn't able to. So we will have to leave early so we can be back in time for the game, but that's ok. My Lifedrive helped me change these things or work around/with them so the youth could go on the trip.

You see most often we have reminder notes here and there in our house that have appointments, etc. For my wife and I, we make sure to put these things into our PDAs so we don't forget about them. This helps out so much and keeps us for double booking or having to cancel appointments. Technology can be really helpful in very simple ways. I probably like most fathers, forget about doctors appointments and such, so my Lifedrive reminds me that they are coming up. This gadget tool works very well for me and if you need a little organization in your life, definitely check out a PDA.


Antoine said...

They are indeed quite healpful. Just this past weekend I reveled in that I was able to go with a Treo, charger, and keyboard versus the usual manner of carrying laptop, PDA, chargers, and cases. It was most definitely much nicer.

Depending on where you were in PA (and the day), I could meet ya as PA (Philly) was my home for most of my life.