Friday, October 27, 2006

To Upgrade of Not? Better make your list from Brighthand

I just read this over at Brighthand and thought it was excellent. As I've mentioned before, I'm looking at upgrading my current cellphone to a Treo 680 or a Cingular 3125. I've spent many hours reading reviews, watching videos, and what not so that I would make a good choice in my next cellphone. I'll even bore my wife with my learnings for hours. She's so patient with me.
To upgrade or not? Better make your list covers one user's experience as he looks to upgrade his PDA. I think a lot of us could relate with this and would be worth a look.

"I am pretty convinced quite some people are in the same situation as myself. You have a perfectly working device yet the upgrade is trying to convince you for some time to upgrade anyhow. I frequently observe posts on the Brighthand forums from users who just upgraded but are unaware what their device can do. Sometimes there is a little frustration when they find out it can NOT do what they expected. Hence I decided to set down my thought process, hoping some others would benefit from it."