Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Getting along without power- day 4

Today is day 4 of no power at my house. Since the October Surprise storm came last Thursday, I've been using my Lifedrive and my bluetooth capable cellphone to stay up-to-date with email and local and national news. I wanted to share with you all some of the programs that I have used to help me thru this situation:

Quicknews- Since my telephone is down as well, occupying my cellphone with internet use to catch up with news and other blogs isn't good. With Quicknews, I'm able to download all my news and other blogs so I don't tie up my cellphone. Quicknews is an RSS reader and works quite well on my Lifedrive. So now I'm able to quickly download and stay up to date with my websites.

Blazer - this app is just a web browser that came with my Lifedrive and while I cannot download any files because of some gliche with Blazer, I have been learning to use the save a page for offline browsing feature. I'm sure many of you have used this feature, but for me it is one that I have just realized will be quite useful to me.

4cast - staying up to date with the weather is a must during a time like this. I have constantly been checking 4cast and updating it so that I'm current with my local weather.

Google Maps for Treo - while specially designed for Treo smartphones, this app works well with my Lifedrive and has already proven quite valuable to me.

u*blog - its my way of posting to the The Gadget Pastor. Simple and free I'm able to easily post on the go.

Splash Money - lastly this program keeps track of my finances on my Lifedrive and since I haven't been able to use my computer, I can still input transactions without worrying about losing a receipt or forgetting what we done.

These are the programs that have kept me going thru the lack of power and communication. They work get and I highly recommend each one for you PDA. In the mean time, I'm going to keep praying that they get our power restored soon. It's somewhat frustrating and a the same time funny as the streets on both sides of us have power and we don't. I will return to posting on a more full time and regular basis as I'm able. Stay tuned...