Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Use Google Calendar on your church's website

Here is a really good tip that will help you effective communicate with your church congregation about upcoming events. If you already have a church website, you can easily add a Google Calendar to your church's website with some simple html code. Here are the steps:

1. Setup your Google Calendar if you do not have one. If already ha
ve a Google Calendar, add another calendar and call it Church Events making this a public calendar. Go ahead and add some events like Sunday services, midweek service, prayer breakfasts, home Bible studies, etc. Make sure these events are label with Church Events.

2. Once you have added some events to your Church Events calendar, go ahead and click on "Manage Calendars".

3. Click on your Church Events calendar or in my case, Somewhere Baptist Church. 

4.  Towards the bottom of your Church Events details page, you will see a Calendar Address section. In this section you will see a HTML button. Click on this button. 

5.  Now once you have clicked on the HTML button, another window pops up and from here you want to choose the HTML configuration tool. From there you can customize the look of your calendar to fit your website. Take a look at this church's Google Calendar implementation. 

Now you can add other events as they are scheduled and your church can quickly see what is coming down the road. All this is done free with Google Calendar. 


Gregarious said...

You can also subscribe to a Google calendar, so people can get it on Outlook, iCal, add it to their personal google calendar, and even on phones like the iPhone.