Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Own a Nokia cellphone? Better read this...

It's another chapter in the exploding batteries saga. This time Nokia is reporting that some 46 million of their cellphones could be in danger of the exploding battery effect. I cannot understand how manufactors cannot correct this before shipping their devices, especially cellphones. After all, it's most likely going to explode when it is next to someone's head after they've been talking for a while. So if you do have a Nokia phone read the article below and then see if your battery has that "bonus" feature.

" Nokia said 46 million batteries used in its phones could overheat and it would replace them free to consumers while negotiating with battery maker Matsushita <6752.T> over who would bear the costs.

"Nokia has identified that in very rare cases the Nokia-branded BL-5C batteries...could potentially experience overheating initiated by a short circuit while charging, causing the battery to dislodge," it said in a statement on Tuesday.

The world's top cellphone maker said about 100 such incidents had been reported globally but no serious injuries or property damage had been reported."

Source: New York Times Technology