Monday, August 06, 2007

Do you like this idea?

Is an ATM machine appropriate in the local church? Time has a piece entitled "The ATM in the Church Lobby." I personally do not like this idea. I have seen donut shops, fast food restaurants, and the like in churches, mostly mega churches. I think these things make the church less of a church and more an entertainment place. While we know that a moneyless society is the future, I do not want to bring a feature like this into my church, there are other ways to track some cash gifts. It is one thing if you have a school or daycare and take credit card or debit payments, but it is entirely strange to have this as a means of giving your tithe and offerings. Wouldn't this encourage people to charge on their credit card their tithe and offering? Going into debt to give to the church, this seems to be promoting a wrong idea. Write a check, pull the cash out. I may love tech, but to me this is too much. What do you think?

"Is that an ATM in the church lobby? Credit and debit card swipe machines in churches may startle some of the pious, but such kiosks, already present in some houses of worship, might become even more commonplace now that a new IRS regulation is in effect. Beginning with gifts given in 2007, the IRS will demand documentation for charitable contributions under $250. Once, all one needed was a diary entry to vouch for such donations. Specially designed ATMs at church will help document such spur-of-the-moment cash gifts, as well as planned giving. Also as a result of the new IRS rule, credit card donations and tithing are likely to increase too because such electronic fund transfers leave a paper trail."