Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Gadget's that work as advertised!

You purchase a new gadget and bring it home only to find out something is not quite right with it. You get that sinking feeling and that money you spent on this shiny useless gadget is making you sick. If this has ever happened to you (it has with me, I purchased a few wifi routers and PC cards only to find out they didn't work), you will probably appreciate this article entitled "Let's See Gadgets That Actually Work". Now, you'll read some rather harsh comments on the iPhone which I wouldn't agree with, unless of course that happened to me!

"Even though I've spent a good chunk of my professional career writing about the technology business, I've never been a gadget hound myself. In fact, I consciously resist certain habit-changing technologies.

I was last person I know to get a mobile phone, and I only recently got a BlackBerry. I couldn't live — or rather make a living — without e-mail, word processing and the Internet.

But $500 for a first-generation iPhone? Never."

Source: Fox News Technology