Saturday, June 09, 2007

Two saves today!

Today, my wife was the wedding planner and I was the DJ for one of our church member's weddings. She did a great job as always with the wedding everything went quite smoothly and most hiccups we were able to easily overcome. I wanted to share two things that I used my Macbook for. (I'm trying not to turn this into a Mac fanboy site, so please bear with me as I go thru this new toy stage!)
First off, I was able to hook up a digital camera to my Mac and fire up iMovie and record the wedding with no problems at all. Everything worked right away and I could not believe it! Honestly, I thought I'd have to do something like install drivers or something else, but all I have to do was plug in the firewire to the firewire port. Very nice. Now I'm going to try and create a DVD with the program and see how that goes.
At the reception, the CD deck was not working with the burned CDs. So out came the Macbook and once again we had another save. Of course, I failed to remember that I was plugged into the sound system when I started to play frozen Bubble and the game music played over the speakers. Kinda of embarrassing to say the least.
Now, I cannot say that this was the benefits of owning a Mac. I'm sure a Windows laptop could have done the same thing albeit with a few more steps perhaps. For me, it worked without all the formalities and timely installs. Plus all the software was already on my computer. Definitely having a laptop has proven to being the biggest plus of my Macbook. It really has opened a whole new world for computing and using technology in ministry.