Saturday, February 17, 2007

Watches lose ground to cell phones - Yahoo! News

As a kid, I loved a good watch (my favorite was the calculator watch). In college a watch was essential to making classes and other social events on time. But now, I never wear a watch. My cellphone has been my "watch" and apparently I'm not alone in this trend. According to an article in Yahoo News, watches are being left behind for cellphones.

"CHICAGO - Allison Elliott occasionally wears the delicate gold windup watch that belonged to her grandmother. But it's really just for show.
Elliott, who's 27, is much more likely to get the time from the clock in her car, the one on her cable TV box or cell phone or from the bottom right-hand of her computer at the University of Kentucky, where she works.
Paul Dryden is much the same. "To be honest, I can't remember the last time I wore a watch — I'm guessing early in high school," says the 21-year-old senior at Connecticut College. The busy student's cell phone often doubles as an alarm clock because "it goes everywhere I go."READ MORE