Thursday, February 08, 2007

Microsoft presents new Windows Mobile version from

Windows Mobile version 6 has now been unveiled and will be available in the second quarter of 2007. I've seen a few screen shots and it looks really good. Whether it will function well and be practical will be a different story. I'm sure the update will work with Vista's new sync center and you'll no longer have to use ActiveSync, which many folks have despised.
If you already have a smartphone with Windows on it, you may not be able to upgrade. It seems when new versions of a mobile OS come out, you cannot upgrade to it. So if you are looking for a new smartphone, hang in their until early summer. That way you can look at Windows Mobile 6, the iPhone, and maybe one of Palm's latest devices.

Checkout Engadget's gallery of Windows Mobile 6 Standard.


Joshua Burdick said...

I read the article and I must say that I'm happy to see that there could be upgrade options available for previous versions of Windows Mobile. I'm not a big fan of having to buy a new device just to get an upgrade to my OS. (Think vista here)

Oh well... thanks for the comment and the mention of the article.