Monday, January 01, 2007

UPDATED: Dangerous bug in Gmail- Spammers could retreive all your contacts!

UPDATE: Google has now fixed this security issue, so your contacts should be safe.

Well, nothing like a new security issue to start off the New Year. According to Engadget, Gmail users could have all their address books exploited by a spammer. Your friends, co-workers, and family's email address could easily become some spammers next list with a simple click from you!

"Like your Gmail account? Consider it a sacred place which must be protected from spammers at all cost? Yeah, us too. Well, we hate to break the bad news at the dawn of the new year but there's a weakness in Gmail which exposes your email address to any web site capable of exploiting the bug. As reported on Digg, the exploit takes advantage of the fact that Google puts your details into a JS file. As a result, if you're logged into Gmail and browsing the web, any rogue website can declare the function "google" and then parse all your contacts. The only way to safeguard yourself is..."