Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tips to protect your identity online.

FOXNews.com has 12 steps to protecting your identity online. While it's hard for me to advocate their second step, sometimes it is better not giving away all your personal information to an online website. I've bought many an item on the web and thankfully I've not experienced identity theft. Of course, I only shop for companies that I trust, but that doesn't eliminate identity theft in this day and age. There are phishers on the web who designed websites that look just like the real thing, but they are meant only to take your personal information like user names, passwords, social security numbers, etc. Falling to one of these sites is terrible to say the least.

If you happen to be a frequent shopping online, then you might want to take a look at this 12 steps, because you can never be too cautious when it comes to protecting your identity!

"When you hand your credit card to the waiter at an unfamiliar bistro, there's a possibility he'll copy the number and go on a spree with your card.

It's not likely, though — too many chances for him to get caught!"