Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Having an evangelistic dinner...

In college, I helped with several evangelistic dinners. Our church family would invite unsaved friends and family to a dinner, which was provided for free to all. The men would usually have a steak dinner and the ladies would have a fancier meal, some chicken or whatever. At the dinners, there would be special music, a skit or two, and a short 15 minute message on salvation. I have personally seen many salvation decisions made from these dinners and several families join the church because of them.
These dinners provide an opportunity for folks to come for a dinner and a short message who might not come to church for specific reasons. I've personally enjoyed preparing these meals and the secret steak sauce I use is a big help as many of the men continually talk about it for months afterwards.
If you have never done an evangelistic dinner at your church, you ought to consider trying it and see what great things God can do.