Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Enjoy your Independence Day!

Fireworks, Patriotism, parades, barbecue, and family can sum up your July 4th. Please keep in mind our soldiers abroad who are protecting our freedoms and giving us the chance to have those family dinners. Keep them in your prayers. Here is a good article for you to read as you go through your July 4th. It is entitled: Indivisible: No Celebration Of Liberty Can Ignore America’s Godly Heritage.

"Walter Kehowski feels a lot more like celebrating the Fourth of July, now that Thanksgiving is finally behind him.

As a math professor, Mr. Kehowski has a pretty keen instinct for things that don’t add up – including a tendency among many of his fellow citizens to divide their celebrations of freedom from any appreciation of the One Who gave us that freedom in the first place. His eye for irony has multiplied his enemies … and very nearly subtracted him from his job.

Kehowski teaches at a community college in Glendale, Arizona. Last fall, on the day before Thanksgiving, he decided, in the spirit of the holiday, to e-mail the other teachers in his district a copy of President George Washington’s brief “Thanksgiving Day Proclamation of 1789.”

Kehowski admits he used a district e-mail service designated for messages that “support education, research, scholarly communication, administration, and other (district) business.” He knew of orders not to use it for sending “unwanted solicitations or information.”