Tuesday, July 31, 2007

13 ways to live well on less

At some point or another, we have had lived paycheck to paycheck and sometimes, we get behind living 1 paycheck behind to 1 paycheck behind. God expects us to be wise stewards of the money He has entrusted to us. With the cost of everything seemingly going up, how can you live on what you make? Raises are not always possible in the ministry and surely your church has experienced the rising costs of utility bills, gas, etc. So how do you live well on less? Here are some tips from MSN money website.

"Can you remember life before $100 sneakers and $5 coffee, when people actually lived on what they earned and still had a little something socked away for a rainy day?

"People moan and groan about why they can't make do," says Michelle Singletary, author of "Seven Money Mantras for a Richer Life." "But if you look at your lifestyle, there's almost always a way to trim (costs) and make do with less."

Singletary and her four brothers and sisters were raised by their grandmother, who earned a modest salary but owned her home and car and accumulated a nice savings and pension while providing well for her family.

Cutting costs was more than a handful of tips, says Singletary. "It was a way of life."

Her grandmother looked at potential purchases in terms of "what you could spend that money on that would put you in a position of not having to struggle," says Singletary. Like a fast-food meal out vs. allocating that money for the phone bill. "And I actually do that now myself," she says. "I ask, 'What are the consequences of spending this money?'"