Saturday, February 10, 2007

Weekend Thought: Are you spending too much time in your "Second Life"?

It is quite common for people to want to escape the life that they are living and sadly, many people find their escape in drugs, alcohol, television, music, etc. They are not happy with themselves physically or socially. I've seen this quite often among the teenagers I have encountered as a youth pastor. Some I have been able to help and others I haven't.
Recently, I learned about an online service called Second Life. Second Life is exactly what its name implies. You have the opportunity to create a online "Second Life". You can choose your looks, personality, and much more. There are ways to earn materials and wealth in this "game" and one could easily find themselves draw in by the ideal of a better life. I've read reports of many people spending unreal amounts of time playing Second Life. While I'm sure its designers would say their intentions of this service is meant to be fun, some people have taken this service to the extreme and have made Second Life a huge part of their real life.
The dedication of Second Lifers amazes me. Grant it, I believe a lot of us would love from time to time to escape from our problems and our troubles. Yet when we, as Christians, think this, I believe we have forgotten our real purpose. Our time on Earth is our "Second Life". We are pilgrims in this world, strangers passing through. Eternity ought to be on our minds and not the draw of our "Second Life". I'd be the first one to tell you it's not easy to live life that way. I'd be a fool to say I've got it mastered or it's not a problem for me. It is a struggle and I believe it's one we all will face from time to time.
Yet, what will you do? As servants of the Lord, we are to do our part for the Kingdom of Heaven. We've chosen a road that many do not take. "Many are called, but few are chosen." Am I do what I ought to be doing? Are you?
Blogging is a lot of fun, but if I allow my blogging or anything else take away from that work, I'm spending too much time in my "Second Life". If we together as Christians spend too much time in our "Second Lives", the cause of Christ will suffer. So take some time tonight, tomorrow, or whenever you can, examine your labor and see where you have put in the most effort and time. If your heavy ended on your "Second Life" then it's time to make a few changes.

God bless you and your ministry. I trust that you will continue to stay by the stuff!