Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sermon Highlight: Why Won't They Listen? Reaching A Lost Culture

It can be a very difficult task in ministry: reaching the lost with the Gospel of Christ. If the truth be told, we can get discouraged when our pews or Sunday School classes don't grow. Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis Founder, has a message entitled "Why Won't They Listen? Reaching A Lost Culture". I think this message will be a help to you and especially for those of you struggling to reach that lost culture.

I plan on mentioning a sermon once a week that would encourage or challenge all of us. I will be listening to this messages and then recommending them to you. I do not plan on having several out in a week, rather just mentioning one a week. The reason is I know many of you are busy with your ministry, so it would not be a help to you at all recommend several messages a week. Sometimes they will be in the audio format and other times they may be in a written format. I truly hope that these messages will be a help for you.