Monday, August 14, 2006

Thoughts on Called: Hello, My name is Mrs. Jefferson. I understand your plane is being hijacked?: 9:45am, Flight 93, September 11, 2001.

I was listening to Rejoice radio today via their streaming audio link. I really like being able to listening to Christian radio via the internet as we have just a couple Christian radio stations in the Buffalo area. The ones we do have, I really don't listen to them, but I do like listening to Rejoice as they have a good variety of music, preaching, and talk shows. Anyways, on their station today, I heard Cross Talk America and they were discussing Lisa Jefferson's book Called: Hello, My name is Mrs. Jefferson. I understand your plane is being hijacked?: 9:45am, Flight 93, September 11, 2001. The show was quite moving. I would highly suggest that you take the time to listen to that show as it brought back a lot of feelings and memories for me. Mrs. Jefferson's shared her account of that morning as well as what the Lord has been doing since 9/11. I think overall it reminded me to be faithful as you never know when God will use you next.