Monday, October 02, 2006

What email program do you use?

I think one of the best things about technology is the ability to communicate via email. I know that most of our missionaries and servicemen have them and many of the folks at church will email these people encouraging them and to let them know that they are praying for them. I have found that its been a great way for us to send pictures of my kids to my parents and in-laws since they all live in Florida.
Personally, for emailing I just use Gmail's online service. I have found Gmail to work quite well for me as I can use the same tools wherever I am, be it work or on vacation. My wife still likes Mozilla's Thunderbird for her email. A while back, I would use IncrediMail, but most of the extra features now seem too much for me. So what I am wondering is what email solution have you chosen and why? What are the advatanges of your email solution? The advatanges of Gmail for me is I have the same interface, tools, and look wherever I go. Its consistent. I think it would be a great help for others if we share our email solution and it just might prove to be a help to someone else. And that's why we are here!