I have been looking at getting a new smartphone and might just do that by the end of this year. I am considering getting a Treo 680 or the Cingular 3125, a.k.a. HTC Star Trek smartphone. The 3125 runs Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone edition and I've been wanting to have a go with the Windows Mobile and see how it feels. However, I'm also really interested in the Treo 680, so I'm waiting for it to officially be available and the price point to be revealed. It's also interesting to note that Cingular unlimited data plans for the two devices are dramatically different. The 3125 unlimited data plan is only $19.99. The Treo 680's unlimited plan is $44.99, barring no changes upon its availability. So that is also a huge factor in my decision.
Yesterday, I noticed the Review of the Cingular 3125 at the Brighthand website. They really did a great job with reviewing the phone and I have posted a bit of it below. Enjoy!
"The Cingular 3125 is, like most new Windows phones, a product of HTC Taiwan. Unlike most others, however, it sports an ultra-slim clamshell design to rival the ever popular RAZR. Originally called the HTC StrTrk, similar models are also sold as the Dopod S300, Qtek 8500, and i-mate Smartflip.
The 3125, though, has a few important differences from its siblings. While most StrTrk models have 64 MB of flash memory, with approximately 16 MB available to the user, the Cingular variant contains 128 MB of flash, leaving 68 MB free. There are also several different battery capacities in use. The Cingular version trades off a slightly thicker battery, and thus overall thickness, for a higher capacity of 1100 milliamp-hours."
Wow... if the data plan thing holds, I might stick with the 3125...
I'm really leaning that way myself. The advantage is I'd be able to give Windows Mobile 5.0 a go and with a really cool phone. However, I would rather have the Treo and I just don't understand why Palm or Cingular can get the price of the unlimited data plan down.
BTW, thanks for visiting!
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