Thursday, September 21, 2006

USB rechargeable AA batteries.

How do people come up with stuff like this?! I think these USB rechargeable batteries are a really good idea for the regular traveler. Saw this mentioned over at PDA Live. "Moixa Energy has come up with a brand new approach to rechargeable batteries.

Instead of using a traditional combo, consisting of a recharging device and a pair of NiMH cells, the company is offering a new battery that can charge from any USB port without the need for additional hardware. All you have to do is to pop the lid to reveal a built in connector and charger, and plug the battery into a USB port on your desktop, laptop, keyboard, etc.

The USBCELL can be used exactly like a normal battery. Currently available in the AA format, a unit packs 1300 mAh of juice."

Read more.