Friday, September 29, 2006

Need help tracking your goals?

A long time ago, I reviewed Traxitall for Palm Addict. Traxitall is a program for your Palm PDA which helps you to track your goals and motivate you to reach them. Its an amazing program and one that I think we as pastors could implement in our ministries and be more productive. Let me explain.
Suppose you wanted to set a goal of passing out 5 tracts a day. You could setup in Traxitall a goal of 5 tracts a day and then you can log each day how many tracks you handed out. At the end of the week you can review your progress and see if you accomplished your goal. You can also see a monthly, qaurterly, and yearly report of your tracts. You could also use this to tract how many miles you ran in a week, your weight, how many chapters of the Bible read, etc. The goal tracking is endless.
So if you are a goal-oriented person or need to accomplish more of your goals, take a look at Traxitall and see if this could be the program that helps you get it done.

Traxitall is available at the Traxitall home page for $17.