Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My challenge for the day...

I was reading today the monthly newsletter from Answers in Genesis. In it, Ken Ham shares his struggles because of the creation museum AIG is building. Many people, specifically, atheists have vehemently opposed this project. I find it amazing that people who preach tolerance are so intolerant towards Christians. Its really ironic. However, it is important that you and I keep to our job and purpose on earth: evangelizing and discipling. We must more than ever pursue this as passionately as we would our gadgets. I think its just an important remind for all of us. Even though we may spend time reading websites, posting to blogs, responding to email, and chatting online, we still need to remember our mission. To help out with that mission, I want to recommend a website to you. It's called God's Simple Plan. On their site is a tract that I have used many times over to witness to folks and it's good. You should definitely check it out and their prices are quite reasonable as well. I hope today is the day you are able to share the Gospel with someone.