Monday, September 18, 2006

Some more Monday thoughts...

I want to say thanks to Sammy at Palm Addict and Antoine over at Mobile Ministry Magazine for their welcomes on their websites. I really appreciate that and it was quite kind of them to do so. Thanks guys! Both sites are worth checking out and I have them on my Google homepage already.

Well, today was quite interesting as I had a computer not want to start up for some odd reason that I never figured out completely, but I finally managed to get it back running again and our school was given a computer from another school and this person had left some of their contact information from their PDA on the computer. It had a list of names and phone numbers of probably about 20 contacts. Now I went ahead and erased them, so no one could retrieve that information again, but it still makes me wonder how many people erase their information from their gadgets and computers. Honestly, I have a couple cellphones that still have numbers on them that I need to delete that information.

Thinking of this made me realize we all need to be careful when it comes to giving away our gadgets or computers. There are lots of programs out their for erasing data from computers. For my PCs, I have used Hard Disk Scrubber 2.0. Its freeware and it can for a price securely erase to military standards. Also check out this article from PC World. Its got some good thoughts on the subject. So the next time you get ready to pass on that computer or other gadget- make sure you clear all the data securely.


Here is a link I found about securely erasing data on PDAs and smartphones.