Friday, June 08, 2007

A marriage tip.

In this corner we have the money maker, bread winner, provider, it's Husband!!!! Facing him today is his counterpart, the home maker, mom, and chauffeur, it's Wife!!! Let the fight begin! Ding!

Does that said like you and your spouse when a fight or argument is coming? If so continue reading for a little tip that I have learned.

OK, I've only been married 6 years, but I understand that I don't know it all and that's why I look to other people wiser than I that can be a help to me. Whether it's my pastor, an evangelist, a mentor, authors, etc. these are the people that I learn from to have a better marriage. Let's face it we all fight and argue from time to time and it's not always easy to deal with those fights. It's better for us to get prepared for those moments rather then wait to deal with them when they happen! One of my favorite articles that I have kept is called "Fighting Fair" and it is from Focus on the Family's website. Here is just a portion of the article below.

“I am soooo sick of picking up after you!” I said through clenched teeth at my husband, Tom. “You just leave your stuff everywhere like I’m your maid or something!” I had just picked up from the floor his umpteenth pair of dirty, balled-up socks where he left them — next to, but not in, the hamper.

He looked at me in wide-eyed disbelief. “Laurie, there are many mornings where I come out to the kitchen and do the dishes from the night before that you decided weren’t as important as watching a movie! And how about your endless projects on the dining room table?”

Every couple does it … you and your husband and me and mine. While we may not be proud of it, our differing points of view can lead to arguments. But arguments can be constructive if you stick to some rules for fighting fair.

In one of my first fights with Tom — I don’t remember what it was about — I broke most of the rules for fighting fair. I manipulated the subject away from myself and my responsibility and piled it all onto him. I called him a name. I left the house and stomped down the street. I used the “nuke him before he gets me” approach. It left him with a tight knot in his gut and me red-faced with shame. Looking at our different upbringings, it’s easy to see why our approaches differed so much."

I hope that this article will be a help to you and your spouse. Satan loves causing problems in marriages and he will definitely do his best to make a wreck of it. We need to make sure that we don't allow that to happen!