Monday, May 21, 2007

Envelope Budget software for PC or Mac

Let's face it, managing our money is a necessary evil. I try to find every avenue I can to simplify the process, but it is still work. Growing up my parents taught me to use an envelope system to help me budget my money. Well, today on Lifehacker, they mentioned a piece of software that does exactly that- allow you to use virtual envelopes to organize your finances. Talk about a useful piece of software. I've downloaded it and I'm giving it a try for the next few days to see how it works for me. I like the concept, I just hope it helps my family out. The program cost $30, so that could be a draw back for some, but still it's sure to be a big help for those wanting to managing their finances right. This could also be a help to your church as well.

  • New! QIF Import: Convert data from other applications, or download your transactions from a bank.

  • Bank Account Management: Record checks, debits, and deposits, and easily balance your checkbook.

  • Define Pay Sources: Set up your income to automatically distribute funds to various envelopes.

  • Multiple Bank Accounts: Define as many bank accounts as you need.

  • Credit Cards: Track your credit card spending, and stay out of debt.