Thursday, April 19, 2007

The "Christian" Blogosphere

One of my favorite Christian newspapers is the Sword of the Lord which publishes sermons, editorials, and other articles. It helps keep the fire stirred up. In one of its recent articles, the editor, Dr. Shelton Smith, discusses the impact of blogs on the Christian community. I find it amazing that Christians will blog their ungodly views about a business, church, school, or whatever to the extreme that some do. I guess being Christ-like goes out the door when they blog.
This is a really good read and I believe it will do you well to read it. It should help us consider what we blog, write, or say as we will be held accountable for it. Here is a a portion of that article:

"When Christians speak, orally or in print, there ought to be a note of integrity struck with every syllable spoken. Whether it be in the pulpit, on radio or television, the pastor’s paragraphs in Sunday’s bulletin, the editor’s column in this newspaper, or on an Internet blog, there should be (because we are Christians) a full commitment to scriptural values and views.

Since we’ve had pulpits, newspapers and Sunday bulletins a long time, we seem to have an idea about how to handle them in a way that is governed by the principles we all hold dear. Unfortunately, that is often not the case with the blogs.

In recent times, the Internet has come along. With it has come this phenomenon called “blogging.” A blog is a site where anyone with a computer can express his views openly and easily. Those blogs are then available for everyone with a computer to view. So far, so good! But now there’s a problem!

Some Christians have set up their own blog, or they post their thoughts on someone else’s site. Very quickly they can sign on and start giving the world the benefit of their thinking. They can express themselves positively or negatively about whatever comes to mind and about whomever they please."