Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Looking for free or discounted software, computer accessories, etc.?

I have a list of sites that I check to find the best deals on items I am wanting to purchase or other fantastic deals that I would want to purchase. So here are the sites:

Game Giveaway of the Day - they offer one licensed game for free everyday. I just learned about this site yesterday and thus far have downloaded a couple games from them. Some games might not be along your lines, but your kids might certainly appreciate them!

Giveaway of the Day - the kin of Game Giveaway of the Day offers one licensed computer program for free everyday. All you need to do is download the application, install it, and activate it on the day that it is free. Yesterday, I picked up a really nice CD and Audio Ripper program that allows me to also convert audio files to different formats.

Sales Circular - They cover all the electronic and office stores sale ads like Staples, Circuit City, Microcenter, Best Buy, Office Max, etc. You can select your state and they break down the sale items in groups. So one could find the lowest price on a DVD player or computer monitor in your local area.

Slickdeals - These folks post the most amazing deals available on the web. One day they had a Victrinox Swiss Army knife for only $3 with free shipping. If it's an amazing deal you'll find it here, but you've got to be quick to pick up it up because they go fast!

Bits du Jour - They offer one software application for a discounted price. Most apps are discounted by 50% or more. I've picked up an app from them for about $10 that sold normally for $30. Very nice. They also offer Palm Software from time to time.

Freeafterrebate - Well, we all like free and this website focuses on the stuff you can get free after rebate or close to free after rebate. Most stuff here I pass on, but I have found some good deals that I did jump on.

You might be wondering how I can keep up with some many shopping sites? Well, I use Google Reader and Google Homepage and watch these sites' RSS feeds. Makes my life a whole lot easier and consumes less of my time.